Hardstand area
The Caltex truck stop at Blacksoil was experiencing a great amount of dust emission from the hardstand area behind the service station where large trucks often park. The kitchen providing meals to the restaurant was inundated with dust when the wind was in an easterly direction.
The hardstand area was treated with DUSTDOWN incorporating a small amount of lignosulphonate to give the hardstand area some material strength as the large semi-trailers often scoured up the surface particularly the tri-axel trailers. Prior to treatment the hardstand area was rough with potholes and a layer of very loose fine material causing the dust problem every time a vehicle passed over it.
The hardstand area was scarified to about 75mm and reformed using a grader. Before rolling down hard the scarified surface was sprayed with a solution of lignosulphonate and WET IT DOWN using a water truck. On drying the rolled surface was hard and relatively free of dust emission.
Quarry Haul Road
A new quarry located at Cryna Road in Queensland was treated with WATERBLOC – RH similar to our DUSTDOWN product to prevent the haul road from further deterioration after dozens of trucks hauling quarry materials passed daily.
To reduce the cost of maintenance and dust emissions, we were asked to assist to with the treatment of the road. The roadway was covered in 200mm road base material from the quarry containing WATERBLOC – RH and a little lignosulphonate to give the soil more strength due to the weight of material passing over the roadway by the heavy-laden trucks. This treated road base material was simply laid over the existing black soil in-situ.
After 6 years, no maintenance has been needed even after 600,000 tonnes of quarry material has passed over it. Normally a road of this type would require regular maintenance every few weeks. Hence the cost of maintenance has been very much reduced.